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About Frontlines Church


We Live, We Love,
We Serve

At Frontlines Church, we are passionate about worshiping and lifting the name of Jesus high because we know that "when Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all people unto Himself" (John 12:32).

Our mission is connecting people of all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds to The Father's heart through authentic worship, prayer, intercession and community.


At Frontlines Church you will find passionate people that are hungry for more of The Lord and strive to go into greater realms of God's presence. Let's come together in unity and with one heart to proclaim the goodness of God.


Our Beliefs

At Frontlines Church, we believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

We believe Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary as an act of The Holy Spirit, and that He was crucified and resurrected on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of God.

We believe that Jesus instructed His disciples to preach the gospel to every nation and in turn make disciples in order to further the gospel and establish His Kingdom here on earth. 

We believe that every follower of Jesus Christ should have authentic God encounters, and that worship, prayer, and intercession must become their lifestyle. 

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as well as water baptism by immersion and regular observance of holy communion.

(Acts 2 & Matthew 28:20)

We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and functions as the final authority on earth.

We believe in the reality of heaven and hell and that one's eternal destiny is determined by one's relationship with Christ.

Our Pastors


Lead Pastor

Jay Jonathan Singh

Senior Elder/ Pastor

Sherlock Singh

Worship Pastor

Josh Hollis

Hi everyone! 

I am Jay Jonathan Singh, lead pastor of Frontlines Church and Senior Elder of CAMP Ministries (Covenant Ark Ministry Portal). 

It is a humbling opportunity and honor to serve in what God is doing here at Frontlines Church, as well as our global extension & covering, CAMP Ministries- 

(a ministry portal that provides a higher level of building, training and equipping of leaders, pastors and teachers towards their God-given function and call). 


I am originally from Oakville, Ontario, a city just outside Toronto. Go Leafs Go!!


Canada is where ministry began for me at a very early age. The Lord began using me in music ministry at the age of two, and on a more full time scale by age four. 

I was fortunate to have developed under my father's pastorship, leadership and mentorship early on, and reflect on many fond memories of learning what building God's Kingdom with a sincere heart truly looks like. 


By ages 8-12, I was blessed to have worked in children's ministry, which then transitioned into developing a youth ministry by ages 12-16 - raising up children/ leaders of all ages and growing them towards their call. 

I had no idea at the time that all of these training grounds and seasons were by design for what The Lord had in mind for the future. 


Fast forward to my family's move to Nashville, TN in the summer of 2008: we did not know that God would bring us to seasons of even greater development and trust in aligning us towards His call! 

I was fortunate enough to be a part of the touring and session world for many years, working in the music industry and building awesome relationships with some fantastic people. I then transitioned into being sharpened and stretched with many purposeful opportunities in the corporate/ business world. A diverse spectrum of opportunities quickly presented themselves to manage corporations and various teams, thus allowing direct focus to be placed on management craft and accomplishments within: administration, auditing, healthcare industry, information technology, vacation rental industry, hospitality, managing a law firm, financial institutions, and a wide array of other business ventures! 


My lovely wife Autumn and I have been married since 2014 and have 4 crazy yet sweet little fur babies.

We are privileged to collectively bring many years of tech and media experience working in the production sector - from (music) studio production, to photography, graphic design, interior design/ decor and many other areas of function and knowledge.


I was fortunate to have been able to study Business Management and Christian Ministry at Trevecca University right here in Nashville. I have also had the opportunity to study at other quality institutions with focus areas of Christian counseling, music, and leadership development. Throughout the years I have been blessed to serve on many ministry teams, stepping into a wide variety of ministerial roles, and have been established as a business professional as well. 

With that, my family and I are incredibly pumped to be on this journey with the Frontlines Church family and our CAMP Ministries global connections and teams! 

My greatest passion is simply chasing after the heart of God through worship, prayer, and the ministering of The Word.  

Time is everything and I live to honor Jesus with all that I am and strive to draw closer to Him within each moment.  


There is nothing more special than having the God given opportunity to connect people with Jesus on a real and genuine level.

The unique freshness and magnitude of what God is doing at FLC is not by accident, but for absolute purpose and intention. My desire is to see people of all nations, races, backgrounds, and tongues come together as one in worship and service to The King. One of my direct mandates and a major mission of Frontlines Church is to help people pursue the reality of what it means to come back to the heart of The Father through authentic worship, prayer, intercession and community. 


We are here to serve and also build you towards your God given purpose and call of function in order to stand on the frontlines in bold unshakable faith!


I look forward to meeting you and connecting on a deeper level as we look ahead towards building and expanding God's Kingdom - cultivating authenticity, humility, and identity within whom The Creator has designed us to be! 


Abundant blessings and favor to you,

-Pastor Jay Jonathan

Lead Pastor - Frontlines Church

Greetings to all!

My name is Sherlock Singh.  

I was born in British Guiana, now Guyana, and lived there for twenty years before migrating to Canada where my family and I lived until shifting to Nashville in July, 2008.

While living in Canada I was honored to have pioneered multiple churches, and established the Toronto School of Ministry and Counseling, developing ministers, life coaches, and leaders.

During this time I was also the Production Plant Manager at Hardboard Fabricators Ltd., and was blessed to have developed the company to a multi-million dollar corporation.

Going back a little further for a moment, I received Jesus Christ as my savior at age ten and ministry for me began simply as a Sunday School teacher at age eleven, followed by youth and worship leader at age twelve.

I have pioneered and participated in the building and planting of a current total of eight churches across South America and North America. I have a heart and passion for many aspects of ministry development as far as training and equipping pastors and leaders goes.

I also have a special place in my heart for missions and global outreach ministry. 

Connecting the body of Christ all across the earth is one of the many mandates God has placed in my care.


I am honored to have traveled to many different regions of the globe to partake in ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ and continue to have a bubbling passion towards connecting the nations together with one heart and one accord to what God is pouring out.  

Some of my background in business & ministry studies include a 5-year apprenticeship in Agricultural and Construction Plant Maintenance Mechanic with Bookers Sugar Estates LTD, and City & Guilds of London Institute. I was also fortunate to attended the Full Gospel Fellowship Ministry Training Center, before getting married to my gorgeous wife Shanti.

In the USA and Canada I’ve attended various institutions and received the accolades: GCE, DICE, HRAI, C&G, B.Eng, Bth, M. Coun., DD, D. Min.

Studies were completed at Humber & Sheridan Colleges, Vision University- International, Mt. Olive Bible Institute and Seminary as well as Light University.

I have also established the School of Ministry at Living to Go Church (a study center of Global University) where I had previously served on staff for 12 years. 

I am now currently functioning as Senior Elder and CEO at CAMP Ministries with my son Jay Jonathan and the CAMP team.


I also now have the privilege of being Senior elder for Frontlines Church and am greatly humbled at the responsibilities in which God has ordained me to step into in order to further develop and expand the kingdom! 

I am excited to see all that The Father has ahead for this body of ministry and beyond, and look forward to meeting you personally.


Dr. Sherlock Singh

Senior Elder & Pastor - Frontlines Church 


My name is Joshua Hollis.

I have the honor of pastoring the Worship sector of Frontlines Church/CAMP Ministries. I'm a husband to my beautiful wife Rebecca and I’m a father to three incredible boys.

Over the years I have had the honor of working in various areas of music ministry including youth ministry, young adults, and church-wide platforms. 

Songwriting is one of my greatest passions and I have had many opportunities to write with some of most wonderful and talented songwriters of our time. 

In the fall of 2020, Pastor Jay Jonathan and I released a 4 song EP entitled 'Like A Hurricane' (Jay and Josh Worship), and we look forward to the unfolding of what is being released within that sector of music ministry in direct correlation with Frontlines Worship. 

I was able to partake in studies at 

Gobal University as well as a variety of establishments over the years with focus to worship ministry and christian ministry alike. 

I was radically transformed by The Holy Spirit as a teenager, who drifted from The Lord's call, but couldn't get away without getting pulled back in to what God had ordained for my life. This is where ministry began for me. 

God took ahold of my heart in ways that words fail to do justice in describing. Which leads me to my passion for worship.

I am a passionate worshiper with a heart for leading others into the presence of God and to help create environments where worship leaders and musicians can grow in the gifts the Lord has given to them all the while wearing humility and serving others.

I have a passion for the artistic gifts the Lord has given us. Whether it be music, writing, painting, dancing etc.

I say this to say one thing. I believe there are countless ways to worship.

Every one of them is pleasing to the Father.


My mandate is to help establish a culture of freedom in worship, grounded in God's word and open to the leading of The Holy Spirit.


At Frontlines Church we want to help establish a culture that takes its eyes off of circumstance, and fixes them firmly on Jesus.

We would love you and your family to be a part of what God is doing here @ Frontlines Church.



Pastor Joshua Hollis

Worship Pastor - Frontlines Church 

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